Paull Parish Council
On this Page we will try and keep you up to date with the business of your local Parish Council. If you have any comments you would like to make or suggestions then please click on Leave a Comment at the end of the page and it can be made available to everyone else in Paull and the Parish Councillors themselves. You can get all the basic information you need e.g who are my Counciilors from the Parish Council Website at
Next Meeting will take place on Thursday 2nd December 2021 in the Village Hall at 7.00pm
January 10th | February 7th | March 7th |
April 11th | May 2nd & AGM: also balance sheet | June 6th |
July 4th | August (no meeting) | September 5th |
October 3rd | November 7th | December 5th |
Development Land – A plan has been received that shows plans for the development site at Paull are getting to an advanced stage.
Development Zone 1 is where the tubes for the turbines will be manufactured
Development Zone 2 is where the blades for the turbines will be manufactured
Development Zone 3 is where the heads for the turbines will be manufactured
The black dotted line shows the new rail link to the site and the red dotted line the new dock road link to the site
The existing road bridge will be replaced and the site will operate 24 hours X 7 days per week.
Paull Enhancement Project : 6th September 2012 was set as the closing date for applications to the fund. 2 applications and one suggestion has been received and these will be discussed and voted on at the October 4th Meeting. They will need to satisfy the original conditions of the fund as follows:-
1. to enhance the natural environment of the village of Paull and
2. to improve the ammenities of the village and its environs for both residents and visitors alike.
The Parish Council have approved that £12,000 be held in reserve to fence off and develop the children’s play area. This leaves a balance of £8,821.56.
Parish Plan – a first audit was carried out on 26th July 2012 and these points were noted:
Allottments – Minutes from an allotment committee meeting were presented to the meeting. The Parish Council will respond to the matters raised.
One Way System – A discussion document was presented to the meeting for the design of a one way traffic system around the village.