Funding Granted for New Paull Village Hall
The BIG Lottery fund has announced this morning (17th July 2012) that it has granted £464,495 to Paull Village Hall. This grant, along with the £40,000 alredy raised by the local community will enable a New Village Hall to be built on the site of the old one. This is An artist impression is shown below

Work to demolish the current hall we hope will start by the end of July 2012 and the new building completed about Christmas 2012.
On behalf of the Management Committee can we thank everyone who has supported our application over the past 2 1/2 years of hard work, fundraising, preparing applications, etc. including the Paull Enhancement Fund whose support has no doubt brought the project forward by several years. Also all the people of Paull for all their support generosity, donations, and support at all events. THANK YOU
The current village hall began life as an army cook house. It was purchased from the War Department in 1939, moved to Paull and has been used as a community centre ever since. However, the years have taken their toll and the current building is no longer fit for purpose.
In recent years the village has also lost many of its basic facilities such as local shops, the post office and medical services. It is now classed by the government as a deprived rural community and the challenges of the economic downturn creates a high demand for services from voluntary and community organisation’s to develop vital resources to support their local residents and help sustain their community.
In November 2009 the community of Paull was completing the renovation work to its church and the community spirit created from that project prompted the village to dream of replacing their seriously dilapidated village hall.
Public meetings were held early in 2010 and a new committee of 20 local people was formed to tackle the project. Fundraising began with all the usual events, craft fairs, sponsored events, scarecrow festivals etc. together with an application to the Big Lottery Fund.
The £464,495 award will enable the hall to become a focus for the community and provide access to a greater range of services and activities. The design of the enhanced facility will offer a more flexible, accessible and environmentally efficient community building to accommodate social, educational, health and other activities for a wide range of users.
Paul Cross (Chairman of the Management Committee) said: “Our successful application shows we have a valuable community asset that deserves support because of its key role in the life of the village. The award from the Big Lottery Fund is the fulfillment of a dream for the people of our small rural parish and is such tremendous news for our local community. We’re really looking forward to the future and making the most of this wonderful opportunity.”
“This funding will enable us to build a new, environmentally and financially sustainable village hall that will provide a community space that all 600 villagers, young and old, can use and enjoy. It will provide super-fast broadband to enable the community to develop IT solutions to some of its problems and the younger generation can play Wii games against other villages from their own halls.”
“The geographical position of Paull, on the banks of the Humber, provides the ideal location for a wind turbine to provide eco and community benefits. A planning application has been submitted to East Riding of Yorkshire Council and we hope for their positive support. It is expected the new building will be completed by the end of 2012.”